It was brought to my attention this past Saturday that children recognize their mother and father's voice in relatives whom they have never met. As generations go further and further back in time, their voice holds a quality or tone that if listened to closely enough, resembles that of the child's parents. This then might explain why Kins was so comfortable and at ease with her Great Grandpapa Tony, whom she met for the first time on Saturday. He only spoke Spanish, but she was not bothered in the least. In fact, she paid more attention to him, really studying his lips and facial expressions. She must have heard her Daddy's voice or seen familiar expressions.
This really got me thinking... and I realized then that this trip was much more emotional than I had anticipated. We would not be here if it were not for the many many generations that paved the way for us. If it weren't for every decision that they made along the way, we would not have our lives, more importantly Kins would not have her life. It was her Great Grandpapa Tony and the many before him that allowed Kins to have truly amazing.
It was such a great day. My mother-in-law and sister-in-law picked Kins and I up bright and early Saturday morning, and drove to Wilmington, CA to visit with my mother-in-laws Papa, my Grandpapa through marriage, and Kins Great Grandpapa - her only one! My attitude was not in the right place when we left. I was tired, over-whelmed, and wishing I were still asleep in bed. I wanted nothing more than a relaxing Saturday, as I had had a two day volleyball tournament the past weekend. And I was somewhat feeling forced to go; my husband could not attend due to a prior obligation, so I was to represent our little familia. The ride up there quickly changed my attitude as I felt myself getting closer and more involved in Esther and Kaytie's lives. We talked the whole way, really connecting, and Kins slept (PERFECT!) When we arrived at Casa Luna, I was excited for Kins to meet her only Great Grandpapa. Three rather loud, yapping dogs greeted us; Kins was immediately excited. She adores dogs, especially small ones. Papa Tony came up shortly after, picking a Chihuahua named Chichita up to introduce her to Kins. He waved us over to show us the many birds he keeps as pets. There must have been 20 or so. I was told he has raised birds entire life and he takes great pride in keeping them perfectly taken care of. He spent a great deal of time tediously cleaning the bird cage, which we didn't mind because it was his little routine that we did not want to break him of. I can't wait to show Kins these pictures; to show her how very special her Grand Papa Tony made her feel and how overjoyed he was to meet her. The bond that they instantly had was truly amazing to see.
Wow, great story; sounds like an awesome day! Very glad for you and little Kins and Great Grandpapa Papa Tony, and for Esther and Kaytie, that you all had a wonderful day. Much love!